Once upon a Time ...

Iscador AG is rooted in the mission of Hiscia Institute, where mistletoe preparations have been produced since 1949. To this day, mistletoe is processed into medicinal preparations at the original location in Arlesheim, Switzerland, using specific methods based on Rudolf Steiner’s ideas.

«Patients regained their courage to face life again.»

Ita Wegman


From Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman…

It all started at the beginning of the 20th century with Rudolf Steiner’s suggestion to use mistletoe for cancer treatment. Based on this, the physician Ita Wegman developed the first mistletoe preparation «Iscar» together with the pharmacist Adolf Hauser in 1917. She soon started to see positive effects and observed that her patients «regained their courage to face life again».

Based on Rudolf Steiner’s further suggestions and Ita Wegmans research, the knowledge about the effects and the production of mistletoe remedies grew steadily. The methods developed back then still define our preparations nowadays: The mistletoe harvest in summer and winter from different host trees, the blending of the summer and winter extracts on a special machine, the use of fermentation as a way to naturally conserve the components without using alcohol, and the reinforcement of the mistletoe properties through the addition of metal salts.

Dr. phil. Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925)

Dr. Rudolf Steiner
(1861 – 1925)


Dr. med. Ita Wegman
(1876 – 1943)

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…to the Society for Cancer Research (Verein für Krebsforschung, VfK) …

In 1935, the Society for Cancer Research (VfK) was founded to take care of any further research in this field. It has been based at the Hiscia Institute in Arlesheim since 1949, which still cultivates the same pioneering spirit of the early days. A good example is the machine for the blending of the mistletoe preparations designed according to Rudolf Steiner’s idea. The first machine was installed in 1928 and was continuously developed. Finally, in 1972, Machine 6 succeeded in meeting Steiner’s technical requirements. Twice a year, the summer and winter extracts of the manually harvested mistle-toes are blended in a complex rotation procedure, thus enhancing the effect of mistletoe as a medicinal product for cancer treatment. Not only research but also the entire production process of our remedies took place at Hiscia Institute in Arlesheim.


… and to Iscador AG

The cooperation between VfK and Weleda AG started in 1970 with Weleda taking care of the marketing and worldwide distribution of ISCADOR until 2013. When the collaboration ended, the VfK decided to take over the responsibility for all business units and founded Iscador AG as a new organisation. Since 2015, Iscador AG has been managing all operational activities, including the marketing and worldwide distribution of the remedies. The employees and production facilities were integrated into the new organisation, and the long tradition of production and research of Hiscia Institute still lives on in Iscador AG. Every day, our employees contribute all their experience and enthusiasm to improve the quality of life for cancer patients. We are pleased to give you an insight and share our passion with you on one of our guided tours on our premises in Arlesheim.



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